18年前,有一對電波夫婦決定環遊世界旅行去,到了南美 - 亞根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯,跳足三個月tango, 學會幾句Español, 再次出發尋找剌激,往南極進發。在2000美元一位的貨船,與8000美元一位的豪華團之間,電波公選了前者,到了南極貨船放下兩人,說晩上便會回來,那知,它一去不返。電波公窮一身絶學,也找不到吃的,那些海豹、企鵝、鯨魚、南極磷蝦、鰭魚、冰鯖魚、海蜘蛛、珊瑚、海星、海蝸牛、南極百吉卡蚊蚋全不見影縱,是極地冰雪溶化了帶來環境改變嗎?與此同時,電波妻發現自己有了身孕,饑寒交迫之下,看著電波公的手臂,想起肥美的肉排...情急之下,只好...
It's the begining of the trip and this crazy thought came up into your mind!!!! I know how big the influence of "When Heaven Burns 天與地" to you.....btw, hv a little bite first, may be he's not as tasty as you think...jajajaja...
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch much of the TV series actually, just that Adley is my last resort, that can walk and follow me (living food with legs!)....so I took him along....kikiki