Monday, January 16, 2012

Class with Susana Miller

After going to three milonga, we needed some classes, so that we could improve and get higher chance to dance with local dancers. Maria did not have much concern on this, I guess, as long as she dresses well to attract those oldies who like young beautiful ladies. However, I don't look handsome to the local chicas then only good dance could give better impressions. After visiting some blogs and website we found Susana Miller having beginning / intermediate class on Monday, we gave it a go.

According to the blog it was out of luck that she was in town. We are and have the luck to see her charisma. She looks soft from outlook but strong inside, like a guru. The course started from warm up stretching exercise. That reminds me Mona's classes in Hk . It is always the basics to prepare the body for class but mostly neglected. Then came the walking basics, and the beginner's basic work of chest leading. I was glad that she spotted my tensed neck that made my axis inflexible. Also it was my great fortunate to embrace her on the dance and move. I could feel the tenderness yet the energy within. Marvelous. That really reminds me what a good tangueras is. Hope to see her next Monday (there was another class the coming Friday but she was not there, I was disappointed).

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