The long-looking-forward class by Julio
With regret we missed his class on the first tuesday we came, we had to go out early to go to his class. Absent in the last two sessions, corina finally showed up with julio. Seven years after their class in hongkong we finally make it his class. He seemed to recognise me as someone taking his class before, but not exactly who from Hk. Anyway, the class was not easy and required good change of wait and solid embrace . The resultant steps were marvelous and I got the passion back indicated by my drawing all the steps taught. Later I can see J y C dancing socially on the floor, in front of my eyes !!! That night there were also performance by two couples. With budget concern and not staying in BsAs for, I didn't think about private class, but will attend the next class on Tuesday Salon Canning. That night the milonga was a bit quiet. It seems that people like the milonga with live band.
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